Tuesday 15 March 2011

This is another development i found while searching the HKR Architects website which i found very fascinating. It is a residential project which they are currently working on, i find this building so different and nothing like iv seen before, and according to HKR architects the building will have 288 serviced apartments as well as 3 retail units, a restaurant and also a podium swimming pool. Il be looking forward to see this building developed as it is going to obtain so much for one building. But no doubt it will just be another intriguing building amongst the others that are in Abu Dhabi.

Monday 14 March 2011

Searching across the interenet i stumbled across a website HKR Architects, and decided to post about it, as many people may find it interesting like myself. HKR Architacts are currently developing detailed design proposals for " The wave". This development will hopefully be aimed at those who require more out of there office space with regards to location and energy effiency.
While flicking through a magazine, i came across some work by Interior Architect John evans. Two of his projects stood out for me,  Firstly one of his Restidential designs Countryside Family Home, Warwickshire
, its so sophisticated yet the rooms are all very simple when it comes to colour. I think within this building the furnishings are what have made it so interesting. Its all very spacious, each and every room, and even with all the nutural colours it still apears cosy and yet comfortable.

The second peice of work by John Evans is a leisure facility "Private Wellness Spa, Cotswolds" its very serene and harmonious.The shower in the photo duplicates that of a water fall, giving the illusion as if your under a water fall.
 I have most definitly enjoyed looking and discovering John Evans work and projects, and have found the above peices very insperational.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Bancolombia is the largest bank in Colombia, and serves more than 6.9 million customers. The headquarters project emerged because of the need to Combine 4,000 employees, operating from 14 buildings in the city of MedellĂ­n, Colombia. It stikes as being very innovative, aswell as individual for the headquaters.